Sunday 18 July 2010

Somewhere Over the Rainbow....

Extremely busy I have been of late! Last Wednesday I discovered the joys of a fresh market! I bought so much fruit, which we have devoured, for less than $7.50. AMAZING PRICES! I also went back to the bookstall and bought yet more's like a bad Monty Python skit: Jordan enters bookstore, college library, book stall at market, and leaves each place with yet another (several books) soon the books no longer fit on the shelves and spill onto the floor...and then they pile up to the ceiling, and then they spill out the window into the quad and out the door into the hallway!....sounds like a possible death for a bookworm in the past....hmmmmm....I wonder.....

Wednesday we discussed The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe after watching the movie on Tuesday and having to read the book for class. This was quite interesting- comparing the two and the intent/interpretation of CS Lewis's classic children novel. I have a major paper due in that class soon.

Thursday, I awoke in time for breakfast! Yay! Class was more discussion based during the day, which was more entertaining and kept me more awake. However, our professor DID mention that we are going to visit Blenheim (pronounced Blen-ham) Palace Tuesday afternoon. (Blenheim supposedly puts the splendor of Buckingham Palace to shame!) I also spent Thursday basically alone in exploration! A majority of the program went to see A Winter's Tale, which received rave reviews.....but I was content exploring Oxford! I set off for the park about 2pm. I returned about 6:30pm- in time for 4 pound pizza Thursday! :-)

Now, what is there to do for 4 1/2 hours in Oxford, you wonder? EXPLORATION! I took random photos (which shall be edited in at later date and not quite so late at night) to try and convey the beauty of the architecture here. It's always a good thing when I walk with my friends, because they become my seeing-eye-humans so I don't get run over by cars. My head is too busy looking at architecture and soaking in the beauty to notice the traffic.....probably not a safe philosophy- BUT I'm still in one piece (mostly). I encountered Keebler College! I enjoyed visiting the elves and seeing the architecture in their lair. I saw the deepest darkest secrets of those addictive cookies! (The college is actually named Keeble College.)

While I was at Keebler College, I happened upon a bookstore. This bookstore was more unique than most- it had sheet music! I pored over the piano music, but I couldn' t make any decisions....but I stumbled upon the ultimate! HORN SHEET MUSIC WITH PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT! Mama and I can put on mini-concerts now! :-) I'm stoked! Yet, I did manage to leave there with even more books. No worries, my books aren't overflowing their shelves....yet. (Mama, I may need another bag or two to bring home books I've bought here! ha!)

I went to bed early (midnight) on Thursday.....because Friday morning a group of us awoke at the crack of dawn to visit LONDON! (again) and have some fun! :-) There were six of us that rode down on the train together- safety and strength in numbers!-but Jessica, Jackie, and Jordan (J^3) all stayed at PAX Lodge together. What is PAX Lodge, you ask? PAX Lodge is a nice Girl Scout hostile that is located to the north of London in a safe neighborhood. Non-Girl Scout/Girl Guides can stay there with Girl Scouts/Girl Guides. It was pretty nice! I won't give away any more details for now- because (once again!) I have a TON of pictures to show everyone! I feel like the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree....(mama-razzi) *cough, cough*

Fast Forwarding the weekend- Today (Sunday) was really nice. I finished my essay for class. I began my blog for that same class. I also get to lead the discussion on Wednesday for that class. SO MANY DEADLINES! (and I'm NOT stressed out! ha! I wish Emory were really like this.....) I will post pictures from London (with funny inside stories) soon! Be on the lookout for pictures from Blenheim Palace AND more pictures from Stratford! (We are going to see As You Like It on Wednesday.)

I have an early morning get up. They are shutting the water system down from 9am-5pm so I need to get up extra early to shower in the morning :-( Unfortunately I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, which means my adventures will soon becoming to a short halt temporarily- for I plan to return! Oxford now feels like a home. Even with crummy weather, I could Handel it for a year....I'm a musician!

Cheers from Oxford!

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