Sunday 4 July 2010

July 4- Happy Independence day!

Happy Independence Day to everyone!

I just set this blog up, so I am going to play catchup quickly.

Wednesday, June 30, I arrived at Regent's Park with Mama where we quickly stashed the bags and went to explore the city centre of Oxford. In the City Centre we discovered the Oxford Bookshops, where various things were purchased- t-shirts, hoodies, etc. That was fun! We also discovered the Fudge Kitchen, which we resisted. The picture is of me at the War Memorial Gardens in front of Christ Church College.

On Thursday, July 1, I had my first day of classes! I had my Winston Churchill class from 9-11am. Then, a friend of mine and I snuck into St. John's College, which is the richest college in Oxford!

Pretty, isn't it? Anyway, we also went on a tour of Oxford- the City Centre at least. I got some cute pictures. Here are a couple:

St. Mary's Church in a hidden corner of the city centre.

The entrance to the Bodleian (pronounce Bod-ly-an) library. It's the University Library. The doors are covered in all the coat of arms of each individual college.

The Foot bridge of Hartford College. It's quite quaint! I love the glass windows!

The Front of the Bodleian Library (where tourists enter). They have heads everywhere on the posts! It's kinda freaky- but still entertaining! I love the architecture of this area in town.

This is really the beginnings of National Lampoon- sort of! This monuments is mocking those who tried to reunite the Anglican Church with the Roman Catholic Church.

Friday, July 2, I attended class from 2-4pm. I also went to the local park and played a little bit of football and frisbee. We had our first formal dinner. We had a crab soup that was delicious as a starter course. Then we had a traditional English dinner with Yorkshire puds and Beef Wellington (I think? I don't remember at the moment.) The chef here is amazing! He is so personable too. He talks to us on a regular basis for feedback. I have to say his Yorkshire puds were EXCELLENT! I think I will be eating well for the next couple of weeks! (Good thing I'm exercising!) At 8pm, we took a tour of North Oxford, where Jericho is located. (For those of you who have read Golden Compass, this is the same Jericho mentioned where Lyra runs wild. and No, Jordan College is not an actual college (unfortunately!)). We went to a pub in North Oxford and got into a discussion of the British political system with one of the professors. It was very entertaining!

Saturday, July 3, I slept in until 12pm! I don't remember the last time I slept this late! I spent the day with Jackie studying on the quad.

That night, we went to see Shakespeare's 12th night right outside of Oxford Castle! That was an AMAZING Production! It reminded me of Shake at the Lake, except better! (Sorry Christina). It had a modern twist with everyone dressed in the 1960's fashion. The actors were BRILLIANT!!! At one point, I was rolling on the ground crying, I was laughing so hard.

Shakespeare at his finest! I was crying, I was laughing so hard!!
At the VERY end of the play, the actors did a group dance to Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Co. B! That was really adorable! The group received a standing ovation and an encore bow! EVERYONE loved it!!! I think this play is one of the racier plays that Shakespeare wrote (or at least the director encouraged the raunchy-ness!) Saturday was one of my favorite nights spent here in Oxford. A BIG thanks to Jessica for a GREAT idea!

So, Today is July 4! Happy Independence Day, once again! I unfortunately missed the church service I was going to go to this morning! I am using my iphone for my alarm clock, and the time hasn't changed to Oxford time, so it still says that it is 11:37 am while here in Oxford it is 4:37pm. I set my alarm clock for the wrong time :-( Anyway, I have had a relaxing day, sending e-mails home and creating this blog. I have also done a little bit of reading, worked on my blogs, due by midnight tomorrow. (I have one completely done! I am ahead of schedule!) I have about 200 pages to read for History- but I am about halfway through :-) The Biography we have to read about Churchill is quite entertaining! I am headed to dinner soon. I hope everyone is going to have a wonderful 4th of July! (It is always one of my favorite holidays!)
Cheers from Oxford!

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